Autumn is here and Winter is just round the corner. No doubt there will be new viruses for us to contend with or variations on the old ones! The incidence of colds and flu-like illness is already rising. Your own immune system is your best defence against any infection. Now is the time to get your Winter toolkit in place so you can help your immune system to do the job it was designed to do - defend you from pathogenic invaders! Here are a few tools I use in my First Aid Tool Kit for infections. Each tool is backed up by evidence in the scientific literature.


  • Vitamin C - At the first sign of a cold or flu, use Vitamin C to bowel tolerance. This means taking 2 or 3 grams every couple of hours or so until you experience an explosive stool to flush out the bugs. This could take you a couple of days to achieve, depending on your general condition. The worse the condition, the more Vitamin C needed! You should feel better afterwards. Then taper down your dose to a maintenance one. It is perfectly safe to take oral Vitamin C in high doses.  You can use regular ascorbic acid for Vitamin C to bowel tolerance from a company like Higher Nature or health food shop. However, for regular, daily Vitamin C that is not being used to bowel tolerance, I advocate a natural, non synthetic form as this is much more supportive of a healthy copper-iron balance in the body.

  • Propolis throat spray (from Ki Science) - Viruses attach to and linger in throat tissues. This is a great tool for reducing viral load. Propolis is anti-viral and anti-mould. It crops up frequently in the medical literature as a major infection-fighting tool.

  • Cistus and Propolis mouthwash (from Ki Science) - Another daily tool to reduce viral load in the throat tissues and harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. Chinese studies show that viruses live off the food you eat, so why not attack them in their home base?

  • Lugol’s iodine 15% - Gargle with iodine at the first sign of a scratchy throat. It kills on contact. You can also sniff iodine by putting it in a salt pipe as advocated by Dr Sarah Myhill online. Also very useful if you get an insect bite or wound of any kind.

  • HOCL spray (from Ki Science) - A useful tool to use when you have been in contact with infected or sick persons.  As it is made from electrolyzed water and sodium chloride, it is safe to spray over your face, up your nostrils and down your throat. Also for use on surfaces.

  • Propolis diffuser (from IP-Roco or Ki Science) - A very useful tool for upper respiratory tract infections, breathing problems, asthma-like symptoms and sanitising the environment. 20 minutes a day before bed can help sleep. There is good clinical evidence to show it helped breathing symptoms during the recent pandemic. Also a good tool to help reduce mould in the house, in which case, leave on longer in each affected room.

  • RetroV powder (from Ki Science) - A valuable supplement that strengthens the immune defences against retroviruses. These are the infections that help keep Lyme and co. active.  Covid-19 is a retrovirus.

  • Cistus Incanus tea (from Ki Science) - This remarkable tea is cited in the scientific literature as having anti-viral, anti-retroviral, anti-Lyme, anti-fungal properties. However, it must be grown in the right soil, in the right way and picked at the right time. Ki Science is a company that does all three. A great drink to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Vitamin D - Studies show that one’s Vitamin D level was a major factor in hospitalisations from Covid.  The lower the level, the more likelihood of ending up in A and E. It’s a good idea to test your level. I take 10,000 iu Vitamin D daily when I am not having a day in the sunshine.

  • Zinc and Quercetin - These must be taken together when fighting colds and flu to be of use.  Quercetin is a zinc ionophore meaning that it helps zinc get into tissues to fight infections.

  • Herbal tinctures for infections - These are best decided on an individual basis based on biochemistry from lab test results.

  • Homeopathics for specific infections - Providers include Ainsworth’s, Dr Reckeweg, Helios Homeopathy.

  • Optimise sleep - Poor sleep wrecks immune function for infection fighting - Best tips to improve sleep: Turn the wifi off at night!  Take a walk before going to bed until you feel really tired, then return and get straight into bed. Read fairy stories, children’s books or something you really enjoy until you feel sleepy.

  • Refined sugar-free, gluten-free, cows’ milk free real food Ancestral diet!  Sugar feeds infection and depresses the immune system by 80% after eating it. This allows the bugs to flourish!

  • Reduce stress - Stress wrecks immune function for infection fighting. Build some recreation into your routine, avoid toxic personalities and make a plan to tackle stressful situations. For me, stress busting involves getting into Nature and swimming in the sea!

  • Don’t watch the news or read the newspapers! - Avoid the Merchants of Chaos who try to keep us fearful. Do this for a week and see if you feel better.


If you have any health issues you are concerned about and would like to address the root causes of your condition, rather than simply suppressing symptoms, please contact the Good Health Clinic on to request a free 30 minute Enquiry Call or book an appointment. Please note that an Enquiry Call is not a consultation but an exploratory call to see if this a clinical approach you wish to pursue.




Checklist For Interventions For Pans/Pandas And Autism